Cases of pet poisoning have been a growing concern among pet owners. Knowing how to act quickly can make all the difference in the animal’s recovery.
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In emergency situations like this, it is crucial to have knowledge of proper first aid. “When you realize that your pet may have been poisoned, it is essential to act calmly but quickly,” says Dorie Zattoni, veterinarian and technical-commercial supervisor at Brazilian Pet Foods, a company that produces food for dogs and cats.
With this in mind, the specialist listed five first aid tips in case of poisoning:
1. Identification of the poison
The first step is to try to identify the substance that caused the poisoning. Medications, cleaning products, toxic plants, and unsuitable foods are some of the most common causes. Collect packaging, leftovers, or any clues that can help the veterinarian diagnose and treat the pet.
2. Immediate contact with the veterinarian
Immediately call the veterinarian or an animal poison control center. Provide all information about what the animal ingested, the quantity, and the time elapsed since ingestion. This step is crucial to receive specific instructions on how to proceed until professional care is reached.
3. Do not induce vomiting without guidance
Although many people believe that inducing vomiting is the best solution, this is not always safe. Some corrosive or foaming substances can cause additional damage to the animal’s esophagus and stomach. Follow the veterinarian’s instructions regarding this procedure.
4. Keep the animal calm and comfortable
Reduce the pet’s activity to prevent the poison from circulating more quickly through the body. Place the animal in a quiet and comfortable location, preferably in a position where it cannot hurt itself if it has convulsions or breathing difficulties.
5. Quick and safe transport to the veterinarian
Take the animal to the veterinarian as quickly as possible. If the veterinarian advises any specific care during transport, follow the instructions carefully.
Importance of diet in treatment
During the recovery process after poisoning, proper nutrition plays a vital role in restoring the animal’s health.
“The veterinarian may recommend a specific diet to help recover the pet’s digestive system and minimize the impact of the poison on the body. Easily digestible foods are often prescribed, including some feeds that help with nutrient absorption and contain milk thistle (a precursor of silymarin that protects the liver), such as the Snow Dog line,” says the veterinarian.
Keeping the animal well-hydrated is essential to help eliminate toxins from the body. Offer fresh water regularly and, if necessary, the veterinarian can administer intravenous fluids. Depending on the case, nutritional supplements may be recommended to strengthen the animal’s immune system and aid in overall recovery.
“Poisoning in pets is an alarming situation that requires quick and conscious action from owners. Knowing how to recognize early signs, act promptly, and follow veterinary guidance are crucial steps to increase the pet’s chances of recovery. Additionally, ensuring proper nutrition during treatment is fundamental to help the animal recover fully,” concludes Dorie.
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